Category Archives: Tips from the Experts

Get the Best Shave Possible While Camping

For some, the Grizzly Adams look is a good one, and completely fits with their style. For others though, unruly facial hair really doesn’t work, giving them more the appearance of a down-on-their-luck hobo than an intrepid outdoorsman. This can present a problem while camping, as getting a good shave is notoriously difficult to do. […]

How to Camouflage and stalk big carp

About carp fishing with stealth/stalk – I find it amazing the amount of camouflage or disruptive pattern material, equipment and clothing available in carp fishing nowadays (real tree, mossy oak etc) Disruptive pattern is a pattern designed to assist us to blend into the environment to stalk carp with stealth. Do we use it as […]

Carp fishing weather conditions for UK or France

How we look forward to those summer days to returning, watching the cruising carp, slapping those mozquitos as they penetrate the follicles and the suns rays alter the evening surface. The high-pressure days are getting closer, I love those days that are too hot and one prays for a drop of rain. In this article […]

Carp Fishing Advice to put more Fish on the Bank

Carp fishing advice – There are no set rules to achieving an edge using various carp fishing tactics, what maybe advantageous in a certain situation or lake may not be good on another. That sounds like a politician’s answer; nothing concrete for you to work with? It would take more than I can fit into […]