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Best Glugs for Carp Fishing

If you’re got a carp fishing holiday on the horizon, then you’ll want to make sure that you’ve got a hefty supply of glugs ready. Luring over those tasty fishies has never been quite so simple.

Are you worried that your bait isn't appealing enough? Are those fish just not biting? Well, if so, you really might like to consider using some fishing glugs. Never heard of a glug before? If that's the case, let me tell you quite simply that they're substances which can be applied to different types of bait in order to make them smell nicer to the fish in the water. With a healthy slathering of glug, you're sure to see a nice increase in catches.

Best Fishing Glugs

Each type of bait has its own strengths and weaknesses. Live bait seems a lot more natural and will be very appealing to the fish. Boilies come in all kinds of varieties and can be made specifically for different breeds of fish. Artificial bait has a much longer shelf-life and is good for stocking up on. But you know what they all have in common? They're all enhanced with a helpful smearing of glug.

Glugs come in just as many varieties as all other types of bait and bait-related products. You can find a special kind of glug for any purpose. Are you going carp fishing? Is bass your bag? Maybe you're busting for bluegills? Well, different fish have different senses of taste and so different types of glugwill work more or less effectively based on the type of fish. You can choose your glug based on the type of fish that you're hoping to catch. It all just helps to make your job a lot easier.

Some people prefer a much more natural approach and don't put anything on the hook. That's fair enough, but it is a lot trickier. There's no shame in wanting a little bit of glug-based assistance. You're still putting in all of the hard work and, at the end of the day, it was still you who caught the fish. So, if you need a bit of help from a glug, so what? You'll be the one who's laughing when you catch twenty more fish than your glugless comrad.

With so many different glugs available, you might want to experiment with as many of them as possible. You may find that such and such a type works better for you and that such and such a type does not. The only way that you'll find out is by trying lots of different glugs and experimenting. You'll be angling like a pro in no time, that's for sure.

Carp Fishing Catapult Brands

So if you're thinking about making fishing gulgs a part of the main experience for you. You might like to browse through this broad range of products.

Here are a few of the types of glugs you'll find here:

  • Boilie Dip
  • Ultra Thick Bait Glug
  • Korda Goo Glug
  • Hempseed Oil/li>
  • Carp Fishing Glug
  • Strawberry Tutti and Krill
At Wet Wellies we want to be able to provide extensive fishing supplies for everybody. No matter what you need, we want to have your back. This is why we've got an extensive selection of glugs. We don't just want to offer one generic type of glug, we want you to be able to choose. We want to have just what you need. Any orders made through this site are fulfilled by Amazon and have been hand-picked based on their levels of quality. There's a good chance that you could find yourself some nice discounts too. We're all about low prices.